Integrative Medicine Therapist

Sandra Custódio


My name is Sandra Custódio.
Born in Lisbon on 24/08/1981.
I am married and the mother of 2 beautiful boys.
I am a Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapist, Neurolinguistic Coach, aura reader and psychological astrology, Reiki Master.

My passion for personal development comes from childhood, as a self-taught person, being more present in adult life, when I immersed myself in a transformative retreat in personal development, to which I was invited to belong to the team the following year.
It was a unique experience.
It activated in me the courage to appear to the world in all my parts.

My focus in life is to have access to various tools for self-knowledge, personal development, energy, mental, physical and spiritual healing.
All my tools are exploited for me, to then be made available to humanity, and to all the patients who seek me out.

I am a super positive person and enthusiastic about life.
This challenge of giving consultations in the Azores, at the Mãe&Mulher centre, is part of my soul mission and I feel very honored to serve in this way on this magical island.

Professional training and experience

• Master Tung Certification

• Babyoga teacher certification

• Certification in NLP Techniques

• Coaching Certification

• Neurolinguistic

• Reiki Master

• Aura reading

• Star Chart Reading

Areas of differentiation

• Auriculotherapy Moxibustion Electrostimulation with needles Pain technique (Master Tung) Prescription of herbal medicine from Chinese plants Diet therapy Cupping therapy Tuina (energetic massage)

• Teacher of babies and mothers, children and families. classes/workshops

• Applications of NLP techniques (neurolinguistic programming) in order to help with emotional blockages, limiting beliefs, among other needs of the person. I work on the behavioral structure, bringing new tools to regain confidence and self-love.

• Neurolinguistic Coaching, consists of a camp focused on changing behaviors, adjusting values, the way we deal with life's challenges, and how we can change the meaning of events and the impact they have on our lives.

• Reiki sessions energy cleansing, acquiring energy balance through the chakras.

• Aura Reading, is a connection with our unconscious to bring messages we need to know, regarding our present moment. We have access to alignment with our life purpose, what stage we are in our personal development, spiritual alignment, soul age, pacts, past lives, energy cleansing. It's a deep healing.

• Astral map reading It is a self-knowledge tool, which shows us our internal compass, our roadmap, our valences and challenges, which strengthen us for our alignment with ourselves and with our life purpose.

• Reading other maps: Solar return (year chart) Relationships Professional guidance
